A Career in Audio Production

Audio Blog

If you are looking for a remarkably exciting career, then audio production could be just what you are looking for. As an audio engineer in Australia, you will be expected to wear a number of hats, have great attention to detail and be prepared to meet all types of people within this fast paced industry. However, it is a very competitive industry, and if you want to succeed, then you need to put in the hard yards.

There are a number of Australian institutions that offer training courses and programs to get you the right qualifications, as too, many audio production companies offer work based apprenticeships. And as we mentioned before, audio engineers are often required to wear a number of hats, so it is important that you learn a couple of aspect to the industry, so getting further training in voice artistry or copywriting may also be advantageous.

This demanding, yet hugely rewarding role requires an indepth knowledge on everything to do with audio, from sound proofing standards, room acoustics, editing software, audio sweetening and sound mixing, voice technique … and the list goes on. (However, all of this would be covered in your training.)

There are three main areas of audio engineering, they are:

A sound engineer is the master of a number of crafts, and the person in this role is responsible for the directing and recording of the voice artists, editing of sound clips and mixing and manipulation of music and sound effects. To do this effectively, the sound engineer will need a thorough understanding about all the equipment involved and know how to set it all up, plus be a people person who can be assertive and not be afraid to offer direction.

Live Sound
A Live Sound Engineers are the guys who usually work with live bands and live broadcasts. These guys are responsible for making sure all sound is consistent and balanced. These guys need to have a great knowledge of electronics and acoustics.

The Mastering Engineer is the master of everything and is a key member of a production team. This guy needs to know everything the sound engineer does, plus he is responsible for the entire product, and is heavily involved in the final edit.

There never is a dull moment in the fast paced world that is audio production. And whilst it may seem overwhelming, a career in audio production is a hugely rewarding role that introduces you to a whole new world of creativity. So if audio is your passion, get on the bandwagon and start working toward your career today.

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