Going Viral: Can your Business Do It?

think outside the box

It has been a phenomenon that has been around for a few years now, especially with the introduction of the Internet, but how easy is it to get your business’ marketing message to go viral?

Viral marketing is basically a way to get the message about your products and services out to the public – getting widespread attention like a virus.

For instance, say Media Messages created a memorable audio production and set it loose to the public, and the public took to it and then forwarded it on to their friends, who then shared it with their friends, well this is called an audio message that has gone ‘viral’.

Here are a few tips on how to get your message to go ‘viral’.

Make an Impression
To make an impression, your message or creative needs to capture an audience. If it fails to do so, then your viral campaign will be lost. You need to be unique and appeal to your customers. Humour tends to work really well with viral messages. But there is no point going viral, if your message doesn’t include information about your company. Make it short, sweet and straight to the point. Mark your territory and make an impression.

Incentivise your Message
The team at Media Messages aren’t necessarily talking about giving stuff away, but we are talking about giving your customers a reason to pass on your message. Think outside the square for this one. Maybe discount for your product, or the ‘Ultimate Friend’ reward on Facebook.

Think Outside the Square
Successful viral marketing campaigns usually come from companies who either have the big bucks to produce a captivating advertisment (think Carlton’s “This is a very big Ad’), or smaller businesses who have created unique content and creatively spread the word. Mainstream media is not always the right way to stand out from the crowd

With so many channels to reach your customers there really is so much opportunity to be creative with your campaigns …. But be careful, there are so many businesses, that it is easy to get lost in all the saturation.

If you are looking for a unique way to stand out from the crowd, then maybe a creative and professional audio production by one of the very best audio production companies in Australia could help. Contact the team at Media Messages today and let us produce you a compelling telephone music on hold program. You never  know … it could be the next big thing.

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Media Messages
2, 2 Spencer Road
Nerang, QLD 4211